Tierra Hash Mining Solutions for Stranded energy

Green Energy
Bitcoin Legacy

datacenter bitcoin bitcoin

Our Mission

Provide a tailor-made solution for all energy producers who have to deal with stranded energy
We help you monetize all your surplus energy at a fair value
Transforming the bitcoin mining industry into a clean one

No more wasted energy !

Our Solutions

Wind & Solar energy

Tierra Hash works hand in hand with these intermittent energy producers to help them monetise their surplus energy during off-peaks and shoulder periods. Producers no longer have to sell their production at discounted or negative prices during these periods of low consumption

Hydroelectric power

Tierra Hash offers a solution primarily suited for new hydroelectric dams. When a hydroelectric plant is built, it does not operate at full capacity for a few years. At Tierra Hash, we buy this electricity to power our mobile mining farms and we're enabling producers to make a quicker return on their investment

Oil operator

Tierra Hash offers a solution tailored to oil operators. Instead of burning the methane produced during oil extraction, we use this gas to mine bitcoin. This saves companies from paying flaring fines and makes our business carbon-negative

Landfill gas

The methane emitted by landfill sites can be captured and used by Tierra Hash. Instead of being released into the air or burnt, the waste is valorised and converted into bitcoin

Start monetising your
excess production now

Why Tierra Hash ?

We are flexible energy consumers who can adapt to your production in real time
An effective alternative to energy storage solutions
Able to set up in the most isolated locations
We help your company to get a quick return on investment by always monetising your production

Thanks to our mobile mining farms we can easily set up and adapt to the special needs of your company

Request a project

We will get in touch with you and offer you a tailor-made solution